See Our Different Chiropractic Techniques
Sterling Heights Chiropractic services
We use a number of highly-effective adjusting approaches to help improve spinal biomechanics and reduce nervous system interference. The approach we use is based on our clinical judgment and years of experience.
The primary adjusting techniques we use include:
A.C.T. (Acoustic Compression Therapy) or Piezowave Therapy is a highly effective treatment that produces high-energy sound waves that are converted to mechanical energy or shock-waves, which effectively compresses the soft tissue to produce a vast array of physiological effects associated with healing. The A.C.T. treatment is non-invasive and facilitates rapid healing. The shockwaves are only felt internally when they are being sent over scar tissue where there is damage, the pulses break that tissue down which in response promotes and stimulates your bodys natural healing.
Graston Technique
Also known as muscle scraping, is used to break up scar tissue in areas usually associated with recent or prior trauma to that soft tissue. Graston technique is one of the fastest growing techniques in the country; growing vastly in the sports community and with athletic injuries. Additional training is needed for our doctors to use these tools as a part of an advanced degree curriculum. Graston technique can accelerate your recovery and minimize the time needed to treat your symptoms. This technique has relieved our patients of pain and in some cases eliminated pain they have lived with for years.

Y-Strap Adjustment
The Y-Strap tool is a stretching tool to perform manual spine decompression.
This spine stretching tool allows spine stretching by supporting the sub-occipital region of the skull to decompress the cervical, dorsal and lumber parts of the spine.
Massage Therapy
Working along with chiropractic, therapeutic massage can improve muscle tone and help make lasting changes to the spine. Each massage is catered to your needs whether its just a relaxation session or treatment to a problematic area; you and your therapist decide the pressure you need applied and what type of massage you need. Lastly of course they feel great!
Spinal Decompression
Each of us are constantly in a battle—with gravity! A frequent casualty is the soft disc material that separates each spinal bone. Pressure from our weight, trauma from an accident and other causes can increase the pressure on a weakened disc. In extreme cases, the soft pulpy center of the disc can escape. That can be quite painful. We use the latest technology to help relieve the effects of back pain due to herniated and degenerated discs. Since discs are constantly under weight-bearing pressure, they can be slow to heal. By gently “stretching” your spine, we help relieve pressure and enhance healing.
First, we’ll have you lie down on our specially-equipped table. Then, ever so slowly, we’ll stretch your spine. And then relax it. Stretch. And relax. Our patients tell us this tractioning process is quite pleasant, even relaxing. Because they don’t feel the need to “guard” their spine, each sequence helps the damaged disc receive nourishment, expel cellular waste and enjoy reduced pressure. Then, healing can begin. While not a cure-all, our decompression table is highly effective, especially when combined with chiropractic care. Our experience shows that decompression can be helpful in supporting cases prone to frequent relapses.
Trigger Point
A trigger point is a sensitive area of the body specifically a muscle that can cause generalized pain when over stimulated. Untreated trigger points can last forever; but with proper treatment pain from trigger points can successfully be eliminated. By applying direct pressure or stretching of the affected muscle, we can reduce muscle spasms and flush out pooled blood and accumulated toxins.
We specialize in cranial and occipital techniques to reduce or eliminate pain and help with disorders. Very gentle adjustments are applied to your head to balance the cranial mechanisms. This adjustment is mainly used to help with TMJ, Headaches, Migraines, vertigo, sinusitis, neck pain, whiplash and much more. Ask your doctor about how this adjustment could help you.
Activator Methods®
This is a unique and popular system of spinal evaluation combined with a handheld adjusting instrument that delivers a consistent, low-force thrust. Some patients prefer this more gentle approach over adjustments done by hand as there is no "popping" or "cracking" noises or sensations.
Cox Flexion-Distraction
We use a special table so we can traction your spine, opening up the spacing between spinal vertebrae and relieving pressure to spinal nerves. This table is especially useful when treating sciatica or pain traveling down the leg. It is also extremely effective in treating low back pain.

After identifying which vertebrae have lost their normal motion or position, a specific application of a short (low amplitude) quick (high velocity) thrust over the resticted joints; one at a time with the goal of restoring natural range of motion to the effected spinal joints.
Thompson technique is a system of analysis and a special table that reduces the amount of energy needed to adjust your spine. The "drop" tables that are used are gentle on patients because the "drop" of the table takes up alot of the force of the adjustment making this technique easy on patients and chiropractors.
Muscle Testing
Nutrition Response Testing or muscle testing is a non-invasive test/bodily analyses to find possible underlying health issues in the body. The body will show us weaknesses in areas that are imbalanced. This is non-invasive because its simply your body communicating what it needs to us through touch. Once the body tells us where the issue is we recommend natural treatments such as supplementing. Problems can range from things such as mood disorders, fatigue, weight gain/loss, digestion, sleep, and so much more.